Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sense & nonsense of censorship

This reminded me of the sense and nonsense of CENSORSHIP. Being CENSORED as a poet is not even a bad idea. It certainly has some advantages. It adds some mystery and magic to the CENSORED poem. Nowadays it is even an honour to be CENSORED. My poem is saved because of CENSORSHIP. Oh yes, when a poem is published you are open to criticism and scorn. But if you publish only your name and the title of the poem, well... What can they say? What can they do? The poet is visible but the poem remains 'invisible'. You know the poem exists but you can't even read it. Poets should be CENSORED once in a while. Only then they are real poets. There must be something really dangerous and subversive about them to get CENSORED. Why else would they get CENSORED? Poems should be worked upon in total silence and in secret far from the social media. Far away from the public eye. Then the poets will be really worshipped. Consider me as the Osip Mandelstam of Dutch poetry sent to my own Siberia. It is a real honour. (Also: the censorer is mostly wrong as was proven many times by history).


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* Peter Wullen, Genealogie
* Menno van der Beek, In Memoriam de Blauwe Boekanier
* Ingrid Strobbe, Kindje
* Paul Hautmans, Winterlicht
* Fred Jenner, De zin van dit allesAfficher la suite

Literair Weblog De Contrabas: Genealogie

dat de keltische vorst milesius in 45 voor christus vanuit spanje het bevel gaf tot invasie van ierlanden er de oorspronkelijke inwoners de fomoren verjoeg

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